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  • Craft spell scrolls, runebooks, various codexes and other library items
  • Players creating circle 1 to 6 spell scrolls must have the spell in their own spellbook in order to craft it and enough Magery to cast the spells
  • Circle 7 to 8 spell scrolls you are not required to own to craft, but do require require Arcane Scrolls which are items found as loot in game

Spell Improvements

  • Reactive Armor maximum Physical Damage (all, including Creature Abilities) prevention increased by an additional (50 * (Effective Inscription Skill / 100)) - Nov 19th 2022 Patch Notes
  • Increases certain spell's buff durations. Normal duration is 2 minutes and are increased by (400% * (Inscription Skill / 100)), including:
    • Protection
    • Arch Protection
    • Bless
    • Invisibility

Automatic Spell Scroll Usage

  • If Automatic Spell Scroll Usage is toggled, whenever a player casts a spell, it will first check their backpack to see if a matching spell scroll. If a matching scroll is found it will attempt to consume that scroll instead of reagents, whether or not the scroll is consumed is determined by the player's effective Inscription skill and the Wizard's Satchel if the scroll is found inside one.
    • Players can toggle this mechanic by typing "[AutoUseSpellScrolls", "[Commands", or from "Help -> Commands -> Mechanics -> AutoUseSpellScrolls"

Scroll Refund

  • Players using a scroll to cast a Level 1-6 spell will have a (40% * (Inscription Skill / 100))) to not consume the scroll
  • Players using a scroll to cast a Level 7-8 spell will have a (80% * (Inscription Skill / 100))) to not consume the scroll
    • Example: a player with 125 effective Inscription (Increased with Links or Eldtrich Armor) has a 100% chance of getting circle 7-8 scrolls refunded.
  • This can be further increased with a Wizard's Satchel

PvM Bonuses

  • Magic Reflect spell has a (100% - (Spell Circle * 10%)) * (Inscription Skill / 100) chance to remain in place after reflecting a spell
  • Players using a scroll to cast a Level 1-6 spell will have a (40% * (Inscription Skill / 100))) to not consume the scroll
  • Players using a scroll to cast a Level 7-8 spell will have a (80% * (Inscription Skill / 100))) to not consume the scroll
  • Players with the Inscription skill will receive a PvM Melee Damage bonus with Martial Manuals of (20% * (Inscription / 100))
  • Increases damage of spells cast from scrolls by (40% * (Inscription Skill / 100))
  • Players will have an (Effective Inscription Skill / 100%)) chance to avoid Spell Interruption from Creature/Environment Damage

PvP Bonuses

  • Magic Reflect spell has an (25% * (Inscription Skill / 100)) chance to stay up after reflecting 1 spell, but will be nullified after the next spell occurs (and when staying up, will look and sound as if the player recast Magic Reflect on himself/herself)
  • Inscription used to increase the cap on trapped pouches, but there is no longer a cap.
  • Players using a scroll to cast a spell will receive a (10% * (Inscription Skill / 100)) damage bonus against other players (PvP Spell Supplemental Damage Cap 10%)
  • Players with the Inscription skill will receive a PvP Melee Damage bonus with Martial Manuals of (8% * (Inscription / 100)) (PvP Melee Supplemental Damage Cap 20%)


tinkering scribespen.jpg
Inscription Craftables
Category Item Ingredients Min. Skill
Books and Tomes spellbook.jpg
5 Blank Scrolls 75 Inscription
75 Magery
Books and Tomes spellbook.jpg
Full Spellbook
173 Blank Scrolls
24 Arcane Scrolls
100 Inscription
100 Magery
Books and Tomes bardcodex1a.png
Bard Codex
1 Mastercrafting Diagram
25 Arcane Scrolls
110 Inscription
Books and Tomes summonerstome1a.png
Summoner's Tome
1 Mastercrafting Diagram
25 Arcane Scrolls
110 Inscription
Books and Tomes tamingbestiary1a.png
Taming Bestiary
1 Mastercrafting Diagram
25 Arcane Scrolls
110 Inscription
Books and Tomes thievescodex.png
Thief Codex
1 Mastercrafting Diagram
25 Arcane Scrolls
110 Inscription
Books and Tomes wizardsgrimoire1a.png
Wizard's Grimoire
1 Mastercrafting Diagram
25 Arcane Scrolls
110 Inscription
Books and Tomes codexarchery2.png
Codex of Archery
1 Mastercrafting Diagram
25 Arcane Scrolls
110 Inscription
Books and Tomes codexfencing2.png
Codex of Fencing
1 Mastercrafting Diagram
25 Arcane Scrolls
110 Inscription
Books and Tomes codexmacing2.png
Codex of Macing
1 Mastercrafting Diagram
25 Arcane Scrolls
110 Inscription
Books and Tomes codexswords2.png
Codex of Swordsmanship
1 Mastercrafting Diagram
25 Arcane Scrolls
110 Inscription
Books and Tomes codexwrestling2.png
Codex of Wrestling
1 Mastercrafting Diagram
25 Arcane Scrolls
110 Inscription
Books and Tomes codexshield2.png
Codex of Parrying
1 Mastercrafting Diagram
25 Arcane Scrolls
110 Inscription
Books and Tomes runebook.jpg
25 Blank Scrolls
10 Arcane Scrolls
100 Inscription
Books and Tomes runetome.jpg
Rune Tome
50 Blank Scrolls
25 Arcane Scrolls
120 Inscription
Books and Tomes lorebook.jpg
Lore Book
25 Blank Scrolls
10 Arcane Scrolls
110 Inscription
Books and Tomes researchguide1.jpg
Research Guide
25 Blank Scrolls
10 Arcane Scrolls
110 Inscription
Books and Tomes tomeofheroism.jpg
Tome of Heroism
50 Blank Scrolls
25 Arcane Scrolls
120 Inscription
Material Spellbooks dullhidebook.jpg
Dullhide Spellbook
5 Blank Scrolls
4 Dullhide Leather
4 Dullwood Boards
60 Inscription
Material Spellbooks shadowhidebook.jpg
Shadowhide Spellbook
5 Blank Scrolls
4 Shadowhide Leather
4 Shadowwood Boards
65 Inscription
Material Spellbooks copperhidebook.jpg
Copperhide Spellbook
5 Blank Scrolls
4 Copperhide Leather
4 Copperwood Boards
70 Inscription
Material Spellbooks bronzehidebook.jpg
Bronzehide Spellbook
5 Blank Scrolls
4 Bronzehide Leather
4 Bronzewood Boards
75 Inscription
Material Spellbooks goldenhidebook.jpg
Goldenhide Spellbook
5 Blank Scrolls
4 Goldenhide Leather
4 Goldenwood Boards
80 Inscription
Material Spellbooks rosehidebook.jpg
Rosehide Spellbook
5 Blank Scrolls
4 Rosehide Leather
4 Rosewood Boards
85 Inscription
Material Spellbooks verehidebook.jpg
Verehide Spellbook
5 Blank Scrolls
4 Verehide Leather
4 Verewood Boards
90 Inscription
Material Spellbooks valehidebook.jpg
Valehide Spellbook
5 Blank Scrolls
4 Valehide Leather
4 Valewood Boards
95 Inscription
Material Spellbooks avarhidebook.jpg
Avarhide Spellbook
5 Blank Scrolls
4 Avarhide Leather
4 Avarwood Boards
110 Inscription
Martial Manuals basemartial.JPG
Martial Manual
5 Blank Scrolls
4 Leather
4 Boards
55 Inscription
Martial Manuals dullmartial.JPG
Dullwood Martial Manual
5 Blank Scrolls
4 Dullhide Leather
4 Dullwood Boards
60 Inscription
Martial Manuals shadowmartial.JPG
Shadowwood Martial Manual
5 Blank Scrolls
4 Shadowhide Leather
4 Shadowwood Boards
65 Inscription
Martial Manuals coppermartial.JPG
Copperwood Martial Manual
5 Blank Scrolls
4 Copperhide Leather
4 Copperwood Boards
70 Inscription
Martial Manuals bronzemartial.JPG
Bronzewood Martial Manual
5 Blank Scrolls
4 Bronzehide Leather
4 Bronzewood Boards
75 Inscription
Martial Manuals goldmartial.JPG
Goldenwood Martial Manual
5 Blank Scrolls
4 Goldenhide Leather
4 Goldenwood Boards
80 Inscription
Martial Manuals rosemartial.JPG
Rosewood Martial Manual
5 Blank Scrolls
4 Rosehide Leather
4 Rosewood Boards
85 Inscription
Martial Manuals veremartial.JPG
Verewood Martial Manual
5 Blank Scrolls
4 Verehide Leather
4 Verewood Boards
90 Inscription
Martial Manuals valemartial.JPG
Valewood Martial Manual
5 Blank Scrolls
4 Valehide Leather
4 Valewood Boards
95 Inscription
Martial Manuals avarmartial.JPG
Avarwood Martial Manual
5 Blank Scrolls
4 Avarhide Leather
4 Avarwood Boards
110 Inscription
Aspect and Enchanted magicalwizardhat.jpg
Magical Wizard's Hat
4 Blank Scrolls
6 Cloth
95 Inscription
Aspect and Enchanted airaspectspellfoci.jpg
Air Aspect Spell Foci
2 Air Cores
1 Air Distillation
120 Inscription
Aspect and Enchanted artisanaspectspellfoci.jpg
Artisan Aspect Spell Foci
2 Artisan Cores
1 Artisan Distillation
120 Inscription
Aspect and Enchanted bloodaspectspellfoci.jpg
Blood Aspect Spell Foci
2 Blood Cores
1 Blood Distillation
120 Inscription
Aspect and Enchanted commandaspectspellfoci.jpg
Command Aspect Spell Foci
2 Command Cores
1 Command Distillation
120 Inscription
Aspect and Enchanted deathaspectspellfoci.jpg
Death Aspect Spell Foci
2 Death Cores
1 Death Distillation
120 Inscription
Aspect and Enchanted disciplineaspectspellfoci.jpg
Discipline Aspect Spell Foci
2 Discipline Cores
1 Discipline Distillation
120 Inscription
Aspect and Enchanted earthaspectspellfoci.jpg
Earth Aspect Spell Foci
2 Earth Cores
1 Earth Distillation
120 Inscription
Aspect and Enchanted eldritchaspectspellfoci.jpg
Eldritch Aspect Spell Foci
2 Eldritch Cores
1 Eldritch Distillation
120 Inscription
Aspect and Enchanted fireaspectspellfoci.jpg
Fire Aspect Spell Foci
2 Fire Cores
1 Fire Distillation
120 Inscription
Aspect and Enchanted fortuneaspectspellfoci.jpg
Fortune Aspect Spell Foci
2 Fortune Cores
1 Fortune Distillation
120 Inscription
Aspect and Enchanted holyaspectspellfoci.jpg
Holy Aspect Spell Foci
2 Holy Cores
1 Holy Distillation
120 Inscription
Aspect and Enchanted lyricaspectspellfoci.jpg
Lyric Aspect Spell Foci
2 Lyric Cores
1 Lyric Distillation
120 Inscription
Aspect and Enchanted poisonaspectspellfoci.jpg
Poison Aspect Spell Foci
2 Poison Cores
1 Poison Distillation
120 Inscription
Aspect and Enchanted shadowaspectspellfoci.jpg
Shadow Aspect Spell Foci
2 Shadow Cores
1 Shadow Distillation
120 Inscription
Aspect and Enchanted voidaspectspellfoci.jpg
Void Aspect Spell Foci
2 Void Cores
1 Void Distillation
120 Inscription
Aspect and Enchanted waraspectspellfoci.png
War Aspect Spell Foci
2 War Cores
1 War Distillation
120 Inscription
Aspect and Enchanted wateraspectspellfoci.jpg
Water Aspect Spell Foci
2 Water Cores
1 Water Distillation
120 Inscription
Aspect and Enchanted aspectkit.jpg
Aspect Kit
1 Mastercrafting Diagram
500 Blank Scrolls
100 Inscription
Aspect Items airrunebookdye.jpg
Air Aspect Runebook Dye
5 Air Distillations 120 Inscription
Aspect Items artisanrunebookdye.jpg
Artisan Aspect Runebook Dye
5 Artisan Distillations 120 Inscription
Aspect Items bloodrunebookdye.jpg
Blood Aspect Runebook Dye
5 Blood Distillations 120 Inscription
Aspect Items commandrunebookdye.jpg
Command Aspect Runebook Dye
5 Command Distillations 120 Inscription
Aspect Items deathrunebookdye.jpg
Death Aspect Runebook Dye
5 Death Distillations 120 Inscription
Aspect Items disciplinerunebookdye.jpg
Discipline Aspect Runebook Dye
5 Discipline Distillations 120 Inscription
Aspect Items earthrunebookdye.jpg
Earth Aspect Runebook Dye
5 Earth Distillations 120 Inscription
Aspect Items eldritchrunebookdye.jpg
Eldritch Aspect Runebook Dye
5 Eldritch Distillations 120 Inscription
Aspect Items firerunebookdye.jpg
ire Aspect Runebook Dye
5 Fire Distillations 120 Inscription
Aspect Items fortunerunebookdye.jpg
Fortune Aspect Runebook Dye
5 Fortune Distillations 120 Inscription
Aspect Items holyrunebookdye.jpg
Holy Aspect Runebook Dye
5 Holy Distillations 120 Inscription
Aspect Items lyricrunebookdye.jpg
Lyric Aspect Runebook Dye
5 Lyric Distillations 120 Inscription
Aspect Items poisonrunebookdye.jpg
Poison Aspect Runebook Dye
5 Poison Distillations 120 Inscription
Aspect Items shadowrunebookdye.jpg
Shadow Aspect Runebook Dye
5 Shadow Distillations 120 Inscription
Aspect Items voidrunebookdye.jpg
Void Aspect Runebook Dye
5 Void Distillations 120 Inscription
Aspect Items waraspectrunebookdye.png
War Aspect Runebook Dye
5 War Distillations 120 Inscription
Aspect Items waterrunebookdye.jpg
Water Aspect Runebook Dye
5 Water Distillations 120 Inscription
Aspect Items airspellhuedeed.jpg
Air Aspect Spell Hue Deed
2 Air Distillations
5 Blank Scrolls
120 Inscription
Aspect Items artisanspellhuedeed.jpg
Artisan Aspect Spell Hue Deed
2 Artisan Distillations
5 Blank Scrolls
120 Inscription
Aspect Items bloodspellhuedeed.jpg
Blood Aspect Spell Hue Deed
2 Blood Distillations
5 Blank Scrolls
120 Inscription
Aspect Items commandspellhuedeed.jpg
Command Aspect Spell Hue Deed
2 Command Distillations
5 Blank Scrolls
120 Inscription
Aspect Items deathspellhuedeed.jpg
Death Aspect Spell Hue Deed
2 Death Distillations
5 Blank Scrolls
120 Inscription
Aspect Items disciplinespellhuedeed.jpg
Discipline Aspect Spell Hue Deed
2 Discipline Distillations
5 Blank Scrolls
120 Inscription
Aspect Items earthspellhuedeed.jpg
Earth Aspect Spell Hue Deed
2 Earth Distillations
5 Blank Scrolls
120 Inscription
Aspect Items eldritchspellhuedeed.jpg
Eldritch Aspect Spell Hue Deed
2 Eldritch Distillations
5 Blank Scrolls
120 Inscription
Aspect Items firespellhuedeed.jpg
Fire Aspect Spell Hue Deed
2 Fire Distillations
5 Blank Scrolls
120 Inscription
Aspect Items fortunespellhuedeed.jpg
Fortune Aspect Spell Hue Deed
2 Fortune Distillations
5 Blank Scrolls
120 Inscription
Aspect Items holyspellhuedeed.jpg
Holy Aspect Spell Hue Deed
2 Holy Distillations
5 Blank Scrolls
120 Inscription
Aspect Items lyricspellhuedeed.jpg
Lyric Aspect Spell Hue Deed
2 Lyric Distillations
5 Blank Scrolls
120 Inscription
Aspect Items poisonspellhuedeed.jpg
Poison Aspect Spell Hue Deed
2 Poison Distillations
5 Blank Scrolls
120 Inscription
Aspect Items shadowspellhuedeed.jpg
Shadow Aspect Spell Hue Deed
2 Shadow Distillations
5 Blank Scrolls
120 Inscription
Aspect Items voidspellhuedeed.jpg
Void Aspect Spell Hue Deed
2 Void Distillations
5 Blank Scrolls
120 Inscription
Aspect Items waraspectspellhuedeed.png
War Aspect Spell Hue Deed
2 War Distillations
5 Blank Scrolls
120 Inscription
Aspect Items waterspellhuedeed.jpg
Water Aspect Spell Hue Deed
2 Water Distillations
5 Blank Scrolls
120 Inscription
Circle 1 Spells 1ascroll.jpg
Clumsy Scroll
1 Blank Scroll 0 Inscription
0 Magery
Circle 1 Spells 1bscroll.jpg
Create Food Scroll
1 Blank Scroll 0 Inscription
0 Magery
Circle 1 Spells 1cscroll.jpg
Feeblemind Scroll
1 Blank Scroll 0 Inscription
0 Magery
Circle 1 Spells 1dscroll.jpg
Heal Scroll
1 Blank Scroll 0 Inscription
0 Magery
Circle 1 Spells 1escroll.jpg
Magic Arrow Scroll
1 Blank Scroll 0 Inscription
0 Magery
Circle 1 Spells 1fscroll.jpg
Night Sight Scroll
1 Blank Scroll 0 Inscription
0 Magery
Circle 1 Spells 1gscroll.jpg
Reactive Armor Scroll
1 Blank Scroll 0 Inscription
0 Magery
Circle 1 Spells 1hscroll.jpg
Weaken Scroll
1 Blank Scroll 0 Inscription
0 Magery
Circle 2 Spells 2ascroll.jpg
Agility Scroll
1 Blank Scroll 20 Inscription
20 Magery
Circle 2 Spells 2bscroll.jpg
Cunning Scroll
1 Blank Scroll 20 Inscription
20 Magery
Circle 2 Spells 2cscroll.jpg
Cure Scroll
1 Blank Scroll 20 Inscription
20 Magery
Circle 2 Spells 2dscroll.jpg
Harm Scroll
1 Blank Scroll 20 Inscription
20 Magery
Circle 2 Spells 2escroll.jpg
Magic Trap Scroll
1 Blank Scroll 20 Inscription
20 Magery
Circle 2 Spells 2fscroll.jpg
Magic Untrap Scroll
1 Blank Scroll 20 Inscription
20 Magery
Circle 2 Spells 2gscroll.jpg
Protection Scroll
1 Blank Scroll 20 Inscription
20 Magery
Circle 2 Spells 2hscroll.jpg
Strength Scroll
1 Blank Scroll 20 Inscription
20 Magery
Circle 3 Spells 3ascroll.jpg
Bless Scroll
2 Blank Scrolls 30 Inscription
30 Magery
Circle 3 Spells 3bscroll.jpg
Fireball Scroll
2 Blank Scrolls 30 Inscription
30 Magery
Circle 3 Spells 3cscroll.jpg
Magic Lock Scroll
2 Blank Scrolls 30 Inscription
30 Magery
Circle 3 Spells 3dscroll.jpg
Poison Scroll
2 Blank Scrolls 30 Inscription
30 Magery
Circle 3 Spells 3escroll.jpg
Telekinesis Scroll
2 Blank Scrolls 30 Inscription
30 Magery
Circle 3 Spells 3fscroll.jpg
Teleport Scroll
2 Blank Scrolls 30 Inscription
30 Magery
Circle 3 Spells 3gscroll.jpg
Unlock Scroll
2 Blank Scrolls 30 Inscription
30 Magery
Circle 3 Spells 3hscroll.jpg
Wall Of Stone Scroll
2 Blank Scrolls 30 Inscription
30 Magery
Circle 4 Spells 4ascroll.jpg
Arch Cure Scroll
2 Blank Scrolls 40 Inscription
40 Magery
Circle 4 Spells 4bscroll.jpg
Arch Protection Scroll
2 Blank Scrolls 40 Inscription
40 Magery
Circle 4 Spells 4cscroll.jpg
Curse Scroll
2 Blank Scrolls 40 Inscription
40 Magery
Circle 4 Spells 4dscroll.jpg
Fire Field Scroll
2 Blank Scrolls 40 Inscription
40 Magery
Circle 4 Spells 4escroll.jpg
Greater Heal Scroll
2 Blank Scrolls 40 Inscription
40 Magery
Circle 4 Spells 4fscroll.jpg
Lightning Scroll
2 Blank Scrolls 40 Inscription
40 Magery
Circle 4 Spells 4gscroll.jpg
Mana Drain Scroll
2 Blank Scrolls 40 Inscription
40 Magery
Circle 4 Spells 4hscroll.jpg
Recall Scroll
2 Blank Scrolls 40 Inscription
40 Magery
Circle 5 Spells 5ascroll.jpg
Blade Spirits Scroll
3 Blank Scrolls 50 Inscription
50 Magery
Circle 5 Spells 5bscroll.jpg
Dispel Field Scroll
3 Blank Scrolls 50 Inscription
50 Magery
Circle 5 Spells 5cscroll.jpg
Incognito Scroll
3 Blank Scrolls 50 Inscription
50 Magery
Circle 5 Spells 5dscroll.jpg
Magic Reflect Scroll
3 Blank Scrolls 50 Inscription
50 Magery
Circle 5 Spells 5escroll.jpg
Mind Blast Scroll
3 Blank Scrolls 50 Inscription
50 Magery
Circle 5 Spells 5fscroll.jpg
Paralyze Scroll
3 Blank Scrolls 50 Inscription
50 Magery
Circle 5 Spells 5gscroll.jpg
Poison Field Scroll
3 Blank Scrolls 50 Inscription
50 Magery
Circle 5 Spells 5hscroll.jpg
Summon Creature Scroll
3 Blank Scrolls 50 Inscription
50 Magery
Circle 6 Spells 6ascroll.jpg
Dispel Scroll
3 Blank Scrolls 60 Inscription
60 Magery
Circle 6 Spells 6bscroll.jpg
Energy Bolt Scroll
3 Blank Scrolls 60 Inscription
60 Magery
Circle 6 Spells 6cscroll.jpg
Explosion Scroll
3 Blank Scrolls 60 Inscription
60 Magery
Circle 6 Spells 6dscroll.jpg
Invisibility Scroll
3 Blank Scrolls 60 Inscription
60 Magery
Circle 6 Spells 6escroll.jpg
Mark Scroll
3 Blank Scrolls 60 Inscription
60 Magery
Circle 6 Spells 6fscroll.jpg
Mass Curse Scroll
3 Blank Scrolls 60 Inscription
60 Magery
Circle 6 Spells 6gscroll.jpg
Paralyze Field Scroll
3 Blank Scrolls 60 Inscription
60 Magery
Circle 6 Spells 6hscroll.jpg
Reveal Scroll
3 Blank Scrolls 60 Inscription
60 Magery
Circle 7 Spells 7ascroll.jpg
Chain Lightning Scroll
4 Blank Scrolls
1 Arcane Scroll
70 Inscription
70 Magery
Circle 7 Spells 7bscroll.jpg
Energy Field Scroll
4 Blank Scrolls
1 Arcane Scroll
70 Inscription
70 Magery
Circle 7 Spells 7cscroll.jpg
Flamestrike Scroll
4 Blank Scrolls
1 Arcane Scroll
70 Inscription
70 Magery
Circle 7 Spells 7dscroll.jpg
Gate Travel Scroll
4 Blank Scrolls
1 Arcane Scroll
70 Inscription
70 Magery
Circle 7 Spells 7escroll.jpg
Mass Dispel Scroll
4 Blank Scrolls
1 Arcane Scroll
70 Inscription
70 Magery
Circle 7 Spells 7fscroll.jpg
Mana Vampire Scroll
4 Blank Scrolls
1 Arcane Scroll
70 Inscription
70 Magery
Circle 7 Spells 7gscroll.jpg
Meteor Swarm Scroll
4 Blank Scrolls
1 Arcane Scroll
70 Inscription
70 Magery
Circle 7 Spells 7hscroll.jpg
Polymorph Scroll
4 Blank Scrolls
1 Arcane Scroll
70 Inscription
70 Magery
Circle 8 Spells 8ascroll.jpg
Earthquake Scroll
5 Blank Scrolls
2 Arcane Scrolls
80 Inscription
80 Magery
Circle 8 Spells 8bscroll.jpg
Energy Vortex Scroll
5 Blank Scrolls
2 Arcane Scrolls
80 Inscription
80 Magery
Circle 8 Spells 8cscroll.jpg
Resurrection Scroll
5 Blank Scrolls
2 Arcane Scrolls
80 Inscription
80 Magery
Circle 8 Spells 8dscroll.jpg
Summon Air Elemental Scroll
5 Blank Scrolls
2 Arcane Scrolls
80 Inscription
80 Magery
Circle 8 Spells 8escroll.jpg
Summon Daemon Scroll
5 Blank Scrolls
2 Arcane Scrolls
80 Inscription
80 Magery
Circle 8 Spells 8fscroll.jpg
Summon Earth Elemental Scroll
5 Blank Scrolls
2 Arcane Scrolls
80 Inscription
80 Magery
Circle 8 Spells 8gscroll.jpg
Summon Fire Elemental Scroll
5 Blank Scrolls
2 Arcane Scrolls
80 Inscription
80 Magery
Circle 8 Spells 8hscroll.jpg
Summon Water Elemental Scroll
5 Blank Scrolls
2 Arcane Scrolls
80 Inscription
80 Magery
Utility Items inscriptionrepairkit.jpg
Inscription Repair Kit
20 Blank Scrolls 95 Inscription
Utility Items antiquitymanifest1ab.png
Antiquity Manifest
3 Mastercrafting Diagrams
25 Arcane Scrolls
120 Inscription
Utility Items waxbooksealstamp1.jpg
Wax Book Seal Stamp
1 Mastercrafting Diagram
25 Beeswax
5 Iron ingots
120 Inscription
Plant Items farmersalmanac.jpg
Farmer's Almanac (25)
1 Plant Chemicals
5 Blank Scrolls
110 Inscription
Plant Items plantguide.jpg
Plant Guide (5)
1 Plant Chemicals
5 Blank Scrolls
110 Inscription
Add-Ons abbatoir.jpg
Abbatoir Deed
300 Boards
300 Blank Scrolls
1 Carpentry Crafting Manual
100 Inscription
Add-Ons pentagram.jpg
Pentagram Deed
300 Boards
300 Blank Scrolls
1 Carpentry Crafting Manual
100 Inscription


  • Estimated 65,000 scrolls to GM
  • Requires an estimated 12-18 hours of crafting to max the skill
Skill Craft
0-50 Train from NPC
50-60 Recall (Any Circle 4 scroll)
60-70 Mind Blast (Any Circle 5 scroll)
70-80 Energy Bolt Scrolls (Any Circle 6 scroll)
80-100 Spellbooks
100-120 Magical Wizard's Hats